The Sheffield SCITT are proud of the very high rate of trainees who go on to achieve QTS.
About the Sheffield SCITT
The Sheffield SCITT (school-centred initial teacher training) is one of the largest teacher training providers in South Yorkshire. We offer Primary 3-7, Primary 5-11, and Secondary.
Sheffield SCITT is owned and operated by Notre Dame High School, Sheffield. The primary lead school is St Catherine’s, Sheffield, rated ‘Outstanding’ in it’s recent Ofsted. The Sheffield SCITT was judged ‘Good’ by OFSTED for the quality of its teacher training. Download the Sheffield SCITT brochure.
Our approach is based on what our partnership Headteachers are looking for in their Newly Qualified Teachers. They far prefer teachers who have spent the whole year in school experiencing the full calendar cycle of the school year and being involved in every aspect of the professional teacher’s role in their schools. They find teachers trained by serving outstanding teachers this way are better prepared for the rigours of qualified teaching, and progress more quickly in their careers in their schools. It is their preferred route for recruiting their Early Career Teachers. All of our partner schools, both Primary and Secondary have recruited Early Career Teachers from the Sheffield SCITT. You can choose either a QTS (Qualifies Teacher Status)only route, or opt to study for a masters level PGCE alongside QTS
Please note: The Sheffield SCITT only provides unsalaried courses.
Our current cohort of Sheffield SCITT trainee teachers.
ITT the School Centred Way
During your training you build up the skills you will need over the course of a year. We believe that by giving you small manageable chunks of information then giving you the opportunity to try out your new skills, will you help you to remember and help you progress over time. Teaching is a craft and it does take time to build up the different elements and skills that make great teachers. Through immersing you into the classroom from the beginning we believe you will be better equipped to deal with different situations as they arise. Learning everyday as you experience something new.
Secondary Training
Your training will be based in the classroom at your placement school. On Wednesday you will attend the Hub day Notre Dame high School . There you will learn new teaching techniques in the morning. In the afternoon you will spend time with a subject specialist tutor who will help support you with the new curriculum demands and support you with subject knowledge.
Primary Training
Your training will be based in the classroom at your placement school. On Wednesday you will attend the Hub day St Catherine's Primary school.
University PGCE
During your training year we also encourage you to study towards a PGCE in Secondary Education (PGCSE) or a PGCE in Primary Education (PGCPE).
We are able to offer three week school experience opportunities this summer from 16th June – 6th July 2023. If you are an undergraduate who is studying Science, Engineering, Maths, Computing or Modern Foreign Languages at university, we are likely to be able to pay you a government funded bursary of £900 to take part in this. Funded places will fill up fast, so contact us early if this might be of interest.
Partner Schools
To deliver our high quality training we work with a number of Primary and Secondary Schools in the region.